A failing air conditioner is something that no homeowner wants to face. Once the air conditioner fails it likely means a home that is not comfortable and during the searing heat of summer it can be a dreaded time. Many air conditioners start to break down over time. Parts and components of the air conditioner start to wear out and fail causing more and more repairs to be needed in order to keep the system working. Sometimes it’s best to get a new air conditioner in Downriver Michigan to avoid those uncomfortable times. You’ll also get some added benefits with a new AC system as well.
What Can a New Air Conditioner in Downriver Michigan Do For Your Home
Over time, air conditioners have gotten better and better at keeping the home cool as well as saving energy. Many advancements have been made in just the last 20 years when it comes to air conditioners. Not only have these advancements made the unit more efficient at keeping the home cool but there are also improvements that are more environmentally friendly as well as making smaller systems that work much better than their larger counterparts. If you’re on the fence about getting a new air conditioner installed in your home, here are some benefits that you will receive:
Improve Your Home’s Overall Value
A new air conditioner in your home can be much more efficient than an older one. Even though you may not be planning on selling your home it can be a good investment which will certainly add value to the home. And if you’re planning on selling your home soon, potential home buyers will certainly find the fact that new home components were recently installed and they don’t need to worry about things such as that.
The Home is Quiet
One of the biggest benefits that often doesn’t get considered beforehand is the noise that the air conditioner makes. Your home’s existing air conditioner may be extremely noisy and you may not even realize it because you’ve gotten used to it. However, many of the new systems we install, the first thing that the home owners say is that it’s so quiet and they didn’t realize just how loud and noisy their old system was. Many of the new air conditioners of today have variable fan speeds so you don’t get the roaring fans you may have heard on older systems. Instead, it’s a gradual change which is much less noticeable.
Improve the Air Quality of Your Home
Changing your air filters regularly is a must for your home as it keeps many of the contaminants out the system. On older systems you can still get dust and debris though the system. Regular duct cleaning and maintenance can help with this issue. But getting a new air conditioner system with air quality components built into the system can help to reduce much more than just dust from the air. We can install devices that can remove odors, viruses, and more from the air. Be sure to check out our indoor air quality page to learn more about the services we offer.
Better Energy Efficiency for your Home and Lower Energy Bills
Getting a new air conditioner installed in your home can have many benefits but the biggest of those benefits is lower energy bills. With a newer system you’ll enjoy better efficiency at cooling the home as well as lower energy costs to run the unit. Depending on the age and SEER of your current system you can save hundreds of dollars over the life of the new system. For instance, a AC system that is rated at 16 SEER is 13% more efficient than one rated at 14 SEER. A 13% increase in efficiency is huge. Now consider if you have a unit that is an even lower SEER such as a 12. This is one of the biggest benefits when it comes to replacing your old air conditioner.
Peace of Mind
As you can see above, the benefits of adding a new air conditioner system to your home can be huge. But one thing that you can also enjoy with a new air conditioner is peace of mind. Don’t wait for your air conditioner to fail completely, give Superior Comfort HVAC a call today at 734-929-9821 to discuss your options for a new air conditioner in your home. We can also help with financing.